Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's a New Year!

It's another a January 1, another opportunity to make resolutions and grand plans for the year.  This year, just like last year, I would like to write more, exercise more, make more crafts, make more music, make more food (never seem to have difficulties fulfilling that one.)  But this year, I most want to be less anxious and have fewer regrets.  So I am not writing any of these resolutions down, but just going with the flow a little more.

One thing I will do, however is to start a "Blessings" jar.  The idea is that every time something good happens, you write a note describing what happened and put it in the jar.  At the end of the year, you'll open the jar and read about all the good things that happened.  What a wonderful way to celebrate the end of a year.  It's so easy to remember the bad stuff and forget the good stuff.  This is a great way to put things in perspective.
Here's to a great 2013!

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